What does Heartfulness mean?

Access the Course: The Yoga of Heartfulness 4-Week Course • Ram Dass

Please share something about what heartfulness might mean to you?


I think about mindfulness as something that we optimally are, and heartfullness is how we optimally act. By practicing heartfullness we can point our attention towards the moment for the purpose of acting consciously as to not cause more suffering. This way of acting can include listening, compassion, understanding, nonjudgment, acceptance, gentle embrace, boundaries, kindness, empathy etc…


Heartfulness means that at the point of wanting to pull back to a situation or person, a pause happens and an openness moves forward letting in the person or situation. It also means entering encounters with an openness to move toward a connected feeling.

More practice hopefully would bring my being into heartfulness as the norm in human activities, versus needing that pause or intentional thought. But at this point, I’ll take what I can achieve! lol. <3


HeartFULLness is doing things like when you see an elderly person wanting to cross a busy road that you stop whatever it is you are doing (use common sense) and ask if you can assist them. It is the taking of time to care for one another with Love in our heart.


Heartfulness means operating in and out of love. Cultivating loving awareness and expansiveness. It means working on yourself so your own cup is full and can abundantly overflow unto others. Namaste :pray: :sparkles: :heartpulse:


This morning during meditation I tried something different. I tried to witness myself (body) doing the meditation. Once I could hold that thought, which is challenging, I immediately became lighter. Then, like last nights meditation with Ram Dev, let my heart move outward in all directions. I’m really looking forward to the Heartfulness Course. Thank you LSR! :heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:


YES! I love this description!


I love how you put this. It makes me think of how easy it is to fall into “people pleaser” tendencies for many of us. Your description here makes me think of how expressing boundaries isn’t to push someone away, but rather to invite love in, through creating space for mutual respect and understanding. It’s beautiful to be there for others, but first making sure we’re there for ourselves too. :slight_smile:


That love never runs out. It is not scarce. Love is something we all have in abundance. Heartfulness is the opening and outpouring of this love, for all to share.


Heartfulness means moving beyond identifying with the mind and all its judgements and perceptions. It asks that we forfeit the desire to satiate the needs and insecurities of our individual ego and instead open up to a deeper place of interconnectedness with the universe. It invites us to surrender, to remember the truth that we ARE love, and to commit again and again to living from that space.


Well said…
Insight into dependent origination and our interconnectnedness help surface opportunities for sustainable and ethical solutions. Even if these solutions are not permanent or perfect the environment and other beings will benefit.


Heartfulness is the moments in which we find lightness, smiles that are true, feelings that aren’t forced. A safety in ourSelves to be out full Self in every waking moment. It’s vulnerability, it’s honesty, its not shying away from truth. It’s the courage to keep our emotions at the ready from anything that might keep us feeling alive.


This is so true…recognizing the “readiness” that might be needed to keep that heart open, in all emotions…joyous, mundane, and challenging. Today my students took state testing (3rd grade) for the first time…I was ready for only encouragement! And then a challenge…my Dad is experiencing an terminal illness, I’m ready to be open to all he wants to express and emote. This course certainly lays the groundwork for this readiness, and a daily practice also is key. :pray: :green_heart:


Heartfulness is letting the love flow out of us in all situations. Most challenging is you have done all you can do for someone form where you stand and be true to yourself while looking them in the eyes and keeping the love pouring out to them. I have confused yes with love for a long time, but I’m starting to see how sometimes no is what is needed.


Part of what heartfulness means to me, at this moment in time, is unconditional presence with love coursing through its veins with each beat. It’s being all there, without clinging to or pushing away from anything other than what is.


Heartfulness, what a beautiful devotional service of awareness. Being fully present, in the moment holding space with acceptance, again and again. Inhaling and exhaling. Letting in and
letting go, to make space for whatever is to come without judgment or expectation.


When I think of the word Heartfulness I think of how Ram Dass would talk about how Maharaj-ji loved unconditionally and how that helped him to keep his heart open. I would say, just as Mindfulness is to Heartfulness, so open-mindedness is to open-heartedness. It takes a certain measure of faith, love, and trust to maintain any of these perspectives continually. It also brings to mind where I go with the mantra ‘I am loving awareness,’ and, as Ram Dass put it, the groovy heart cave where all the high beings I’ve come in contact with hang out. All of these things are encompassed into Heartfulness, for my heart is full of all these connections to something much, much deeper and infinite and loving.


Heartfulness…at this stage in my life (69) means to surround my heart with a protection of white light that bounces away arrows of hate or fear and allows only love and joy, a heart so full of light and love that nothing else can get in. Some days that’s a bit difficult if I let my guard down, like what just happened in my life. But light led me here to remind myself…again :grinning::two_hearts:


Yes!! Your words resonate with me🙏


Heartfulness was a new word for me. But it resonates with how I chose to practice and move through my day to day. Heartfulness to me, in this current moment, is the act of embodying compassion in all experienced moments.