What does Heartfulness mean?

Heartfulness means to me…living fully in my heart - which is from love and deep intuition - it’s where the mind is subject to the heart – really all exists in love… being in touch with my heart then is connection to my self as well as all there is - so I feel full rather than empty - that said. - it is actually a new concept for me - I speak of being loving or being in my heart or in touch with my heart. - this seems to me a richer place. Very nourishing. like heart full ness - being in the depths of love.


Some years ago, after studying mindfulness at University to become an accredited teacher of MBSR, plus in my Buddhist studies/practice, I came to realise that the true origin of ‘mindfulness’ was actually referring to the ‘heart’ and not the everyday awareness we associate with the ‘head’ or ‘mind’. When the penny dropped, it all finally made sense, there is nothing but the true nature of consciousness arising in the heart, and that being mindful was actually more about being aware of the hearts energy, more than it was being aware of thoughts, which are fed by the emotional heart. So, heartfulness to me is about this paying attention to our soul energy while resting and residing in an awareness of the heart.