About the Alan Watts & Ram Dass category

Immerse yourself in profound teachings from Alan Watts and Ram Dass, two cultural icons who were essential in bringing Eastern mysticism to a Western audience.

Two cultural icons. Two unique perspectives. One understanding of the presence of the way.

Use this space to connect with others taking the course, and share your insights and reflections on the teachings of Ram Dass and Alan Watts.
As the course begins and progresses, regular discussion prompts will be shared in this space.

Let’s Dive into the Dharma together!

Alan Watts was a scholar and a philosopher; his ideas were deeply profound yet entirely accessible. Ram Dass was an explorer of human consciousness and heartfulness; his life was his message. Both were essential in transmitting Eastern mysticism to a Western audience, opening the minds and hearts of millions of people.

Though they traveled different paths of spirituality and mindfulness – Alan on the path of non-duality, Ram Dass on the path of Bhakti yoga – they came together in friendship and in understanding the Tao, the way of things. There are many pathways up the mountain, but the destination remains the same.

This four-week course, The Presence of the Way: The Dharma of Alan Watts and Ram Dass, will explore themes of separateness and polarity; money, work, and play; balance and the perspective of the Tao; and love, relationships, and compassion.

Love Serve Remember Foundation and the Alan Watts Organization invite you to open your mind, open your heart, and tap into the living truth of these two seminal figures.

If you haven’t already, sign up for the course here: