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I am not sure where to ask this. I have been involved with Tony Robbin’s groups and now Donny Epstein groups and the topic of energy comes up, and about getting energy from the future etc.
With my spiritual work and my relation with Hanuman, I understand there is no sense of future, past, or now, beyond the vail. I am of the belief that time is irrelevant and/or is just one. There is no past, no future, it just is.
My meditation with Hanuman and my humble requests of prosperity etc, or even asking for healing of the past, comes from the same source, The One.
Does Ram Dass talk about time, past, and future in relation to spirituality? Or does anyone have any comments?
Ty, I just stumbled across your question and it is relevant to something that I have arrived at in my life. I have been reading a lot of the teachings of Bodhidharma (historically called the founder of Zen Buddhism - my apologies to those who know more than me) and it has been profound for me.
Your question, to me, is the perennial question. Namely, someone says this which is different than what I learned before or believe now, what is the ‘real story’.
I think Ram Dass sort of addressed this when he said: “The more I center myself and meditate, the more I hear how it all is. Even if I don’t understand how it all is, the more I am how it all is. If there’s an uneven place in me, all I have to do is work on myself. As I give up attachment to knowing how it all works, the actions come into harmony with the Tao.” My paraphrase of that is, look, it doesn’t really matter what other people think, or even what I think, in the end it is all the same thing. If we are on the path, which we are, then we must all follow what rings true to us and to us alone. The way lies within us, it is us.
Bodhidharma said: “ People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something— always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons. All phenomena are empty. They contain nothing worth desiring. Calamity forever alternates with Prosperity. To dwell in the three realms is to dwell in a burning house. To have a body is to suffer. Does anyone with a body know peace? Those who understand this detach themselves from all that exists and stop imagining or seeking anything. The sutras say, "To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss.” When you seek nothing, you are in the path.”
So my two cents, (after this LONG response) is that the concepts aren’t really important, what is important is how you react to it. Does it seem like truth to you, is it something that is clear to your soul and resonates deeply with you. If not, just walk on by, the clarity to your path lies elsewhere,