📖 Day 21 Cookbook Discussion Prompt - CLOSING CELEBRATION

i Brittany, I joined the “Hanuman Chalisa Bus” this morning with an invite from my friend. If you are interested, it is a 12+ group of folks who get together daily at 8 am Pacific time to chant the Hanuman Chalisa. Each participant is invited to sing, chant, (read?) the Hanuman Chalisa. Let me know! You are welcome to join and others probably are too. I just asked about you because you expressed the desire to learn.

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Oh yes please! I would love to be a part of that. Thank you for thinking of me. My email is britt.d.watd22@gmail.com

The email did not work as you wrote it or changed to ward22! Here is mine: donnamloney@gmail.com If anyone else is interested in this Hanuman Chalisa group, let me know, and I will ask!

i LOVE when the timing is right with your spiritual practice when things like this happen auspiciously in our life. Everything is divinely timed and we appreciate you joining the 21 Day CookBook Course. The Yoga of Service Course offers ways to engage with suffering while remaining open to the expression of our natural compassion.
Enjoy in joy :hugs: