**Eat It Like It Is!**

What’s one thing in your life that you’ve been trying to change or fix, but maybe it’s time to just “eat it like it is”? Share your ‘spaghetti sauce’ moment—what’s something you’ve learning to embrace?

I have been trying to have healthy lifestyle and not to use substances to calm myself but still I get overwhelmed by the things around and I am trying to keep myself calm and I started doing things which I love like making art or spending time in nature…and today’s lecture by Dr Robert helped me to realise it that not all things are in our control, things are always changing and it is ok to freakout periodically but don’t sit with it.

Gratitude for this free course!


So happy you’re here with us Nidhi!
Both art and nature are such great teachers of patience and trusting the process… thank you for sharing that reflection!


I loved that part of his talk too! So relieving!


I’ve been fighting the reality of certain parts of my personality. Right now I’m fixated on my getting distracted easily and struggling to accomplish my goals of the day. I worked with this in the RAIN meditation today, and realized the anxiety around this issue goes a lot deeper than just not finishing my tasks. That realization in itself helped ease the tension around the whole thing. I’m setting the intention to just observe the judgment and fear that comes up around this instead of getting lost in and believing those thoughts. And just accept that I get a little lost in the clouds sometimes. :grin:
