**Family of Protection**

Imagine you’re a young tree being protected by a fence of spiritual community. What do you think your “fence” is made of—people, practices, or experiences?

In all sincerity, it’s just about everything…but I certainly would’ve never answered as much until really rolling deep with a lot of lectures given by Ram Dass. I’ve grown, and this is a relatively recent development in my life, personally, to regard every transpiring of the society, of existence… as of a protective/redemptive nature…as meaningfully spiritual in regards to the merit of the activity (although not necessarily optimal). Doing as such has been…enthralling at times…bordering on inviting outright chaos (change)… it’s been challenging, personally, and has come with lessons… and has absolutely demanded my best from me…and really refined me as a person.

That it all runs parallel to this WWE Monday Night Raw-esque thing in the culture of Donald Trump versus the World Order has been…interesting. The sheer absurdity of how it all is playing out has forced me to go beyond concepts, to deeply farm the territory of intuition in regards to getting to the bottom of just what is transpiring…it’s an era for mysticism, that’s for certain!