Heartfulness Course - Day 1 - Intentions

YES!!! It’s true! And we all need to remember this…thank for sharing as it resonates.

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I can relate! Thank you for sharing!!

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We are so glad you are here!! And hold you in our hearts regarding your diagnosis.

Can so relate!!!

One of my favorite prayers/mantras!!

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Mine too, I feel like this song and so much of Bobs music ties into that underlying theme that Ram Das and other mystics always remind us of, that no matter what the experience we have here in earth, good bad ugly, we are all cradled in the palm of God, always. We just can’t get it some or much of the time from our/my limited view. But still very useful for me to shift my perspective back to that view as a choice and then to rest in it…easier said than done but a great practice! Keep in the sunny side, accentuate the postitive, etc

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The final boss is myself. I don’t like me, sometimes I find myself loathing every single decision I make or being tormented by old past decisions I made and looking back wishing I had the forethought I had now. I just want peace , some peace … from my own self doubt and plagues of grief .


I thought I had written here before. My intention in signing up was to become more fully connected to my heart on a daily basis, and to continue the lifelong work of learning to love myself unconditionally. I’ve been lonely the past months and my other goal is to participate and feel a part of the community. To feel that I belong somewhere.

What might get in the way is that I am having to be away three times in May and this makes it harder to keep up.


I signed up for this course to help my spiritual path. Recently I started attending a local Krishna house and we went to a retreat in West Virginia on the arts and connecting to God through creativity. A large theme to the weekend was the transdental mother figure in the community to show compassionate love and ensuring we are making an inclusive environment. I’m ready to serve and I know my calling is to love those that are a little more difficult to love.

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