**More or Less Self**

Jack Kornfield says, ‘More self, more clinging, more problem.’ What’s your go-to strategy for loosening the grip when your ‘self’ feels extra clingy?

hello you all beautiful people.
I don’t have a particular strategy so to say but i like to treat or cling only to the extent i find i can bear if it happens to me that way saves me some amount of drama i guess.

I have a boyfriend who is extremely non reactive to emotional ups and downs. Not dismissing my feelings but just not reactive where he feeds my old patterns with very abusive men. So some times I am acutely aware that I feel insecure so I just tell him! I have a neurotic need right now for you to want me, to tell me something that makes me feel secure and that I am completely aware it will not get me what I want. That really what I am looking for is elsewhere and we can laugh then usually I go to sleep. But it helps to reduce the sense of abandonment making me feel like it is his doing and not by own insecurities