Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 228 – You Can’t Have An Us and Them

In this episode of the Here and Now Podcast, Ram Dass talks about practice in daily life and answers questions about polarization and fundamentalism, integrating psychodynamic and spiritual techniques, dealing with addiction, and more.

In this episode of Here and Now:

  • Ram Dass talks about letting methods of practice such as mantras and kirtan permeate your daily life
  • Ram Dass gives a detailed response to a question about the rise of fundamentalism in the world, exploring polarization and why you can’t have an “us” and “them”
  • Ram Dass takes on more questions about integrating psychodynamic and spiritual techniques, the importance of rituals, and dealing with addiction

I just love the part when he talks about how the news article is questioning whether he’s “for real”, his comment on that is so funny! “Oh I’d be the last to know” I was laughing so much