Running businesses in alignment with teachings?

I wonder if/how anyone who owns or runs a small business brings in the teachings of Alan Watts and Ram Dass to the way they work. And how public they are with that.

For example, I’m a project manager working in conference production and we focus on working with different communities but don’t necessarily have anything to do with spirituality. We like to work with communities that align with our values as a business but I’d like to do some work on the way we work internally.

I’m especially interested in hearing from businesses that aren’t directly related to health/wellness. How does this work, or what does this look like for you?

Looking forward to connecting!


Hi Nessa,

I run a talent strategy consulting firm where we teach career strategies to people passionate to resonate with their work in service to others, while they evolve, advance and sustain their careers.

And we teach talent strategies to employers with the intent to respect talent to nurture them.

We believe when both talent and employers both grow and gain what’s produced is exponential.

I lecture and teach with Ram Dass imbued in our thinking and we want to open this up further. We’re looking at offering workshops.

Would love to chat!



Hi Ange,

That’s fantastic. Did your business start out that way or had it morphed/developed over time?

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Don’t know whether a non-profit foundation is considered a “business” but everything our Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity Legacy Foundation does is aligned with the teachings of Alan Watts and Ram Dass. Although I don’t believe we specifically mention either on our website, I frequently quote Ram Dass’s “Be here now; now here be” in workshops, retreats, and conversations and have quoted that phrase several times in my soon-to-be-released second book.

Would give you more explicit information, but I believe one of the community standards we were asked to abide by was not to “promote” any of our own work.