**Trust Your Gut**

Ram Dass wants us to ditch the overthinking and trust our gut! Tell us about a time your intuition led you to do something kind for someone. What happened when you followed that gut feeling—did it lead to unexpected adventures?


Ah, ditch the overthinking…wonder what “they” will think of me if I do so and so…wonder what “they” will think of me if I am honest or if I cry…Sometimes I can get so bogged down in self, that I don’t want to reach out to others. Yet, when I allow the Divine to break in (Holy Wisdom), I connect with others and it is a gift for me to be present to them and them present to me. Always, leads to goodness, fullness and an expansion of love in the Universe.


I ditched the overthinking (temporarily) about how I may be perceived when my daughter wanted me to join in her dance classes. She had been in recreational classes since the age of 3, started competition at 8, and around that time, there was a “dads and dolls” class. It was “competitive” but when competition time came, our schools dads and dolls class was the only one in the category.

All that said, being on stage is the opposite of what comes natural to me. I failed a couple classes in high school because I just refused to present my projects. I’ll take half points, thank you very much. When I was called on, I came through. We did this class for about 5 years, until she moved schools and it wasn’t offered. I danced with my daughter and probably 100 other father daughter combos on stage. Not just on stage, but at the Roy Wilkinson auditorium in St Paul, MN. So, although my rockstar dreams were never realized, I can say I’ve graced the same stage as quite a few of my favorite bands.


I love these shares! Thank you for getting us started! These courses end up being such important places to share honestly and authentically with each other!! So grateful for both of you!


I often; over analyze, over-think, and attempt to understand everything. When I am in this mode of thinking, it seems like I am so much more rigid and trying so hard to attain the unattainable. Through this judgement, guilt, fear, anger, pain, frustration, ect. arises. Additionally, when I’m in my own head too much, I start pondering the version of myself that my family, friends, and strangers see and perceive (not a very helpful practice).

With that said, when I’m talking with strangers, which I do as often as I can, I feel so much more guided by intuition and I don’t feel like I’m trying to force understanding things or present myself in a certain way. I can just be. It’s like I unconsciously drop any idea of myself and I’m able to be present with that individual. From light heartened jokes, to deep conversations, all the way to being able to listen and hold space for that individual for hours at a time. Now, it doesn’t always unfold so effortlessly, yet I always leave those conversations so much lighter and spacious.

Conversing with strangers typically leaves us both with a smile on our face and it opens the door to countless opportunities and adventures.


After many years of ultimately rockin’ shifts in the food service industry, executed intentionally from a communal-service based mindset, taking place in a litany of different businesses across entirely different states at that, in which the entire front of house shift consisted of tight execution in the midst of lots of spontaneous unfoldings with guests…in which the name of the game was “do the next right thing” and there actually was a compassionate (in its own tonal way) edge guiding the strategy of it all…what ultimately happened is that I came to see the universe and my engagement of it largely from a perspective of stimulus…of a singular stimulus differentiated… and a sense of intimacy emerged within not only those I worked to “serve”, but especially with whatever that presence was. The web of compassion, manifest…


I experience compassion as resonance With someone or a situation or a connection Either directly or indirectly through prayer.

It’s a heart centered feeling or maybe it’s something more, maybe it’s a sensitivity, maybe it’s a constant search light for the grief of others, that mirrors my own.

Compassion is the conduit that connects human beings, and its magic is that it heals the receiver as well as the giver.

Interestingly enough, I feel compassion for others more than I feel compassion for myself.

I’d like to learn to have compassion for myself…

Thank you,
Teri ~ :pray::revolving_hearts:


Thanks for sharing this Dylan! I have that same experience of feeling more comfortable in the presence of strangers.

I’m also more aware of being in my heart more than my head, and I don’t know why this isn’t always my state of being.

But talking to strangers for me is like visiting a little island for a little refuge, and having a system reset!

Thanks so much!
Teri ~


@GrasshopperGal “But talking to strangers for me is like visiting a little island for a little refuge, and having a system reset!” - This is absolutely perfectly put. I whole heartedly agree with that statement. I leave those interactions with strangers feeling like my cup is overflowing. Thank you so much Teri for sharing your experience.


It’s so beautiful how your love for your daughter pushed you to work with this intense and longtime fear. Thank you for sharing.

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