Let's get to know each other ~ Introductions!

Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This is a place to connect with each other any time of day or night. Let’s start by sharing what drew you to this course and what is your intention for the next four weeks?


So excited to help host this course, it’s been such an honor to dive into these teachings and I’ve already learned so much even as a “back end” person :slight_smile: I just love the way Alan turns these perspectives on their heads and then once you see the world through his lens you can’t go back!


I’m Mangala, and I’m so excited to be a part of this course and course community!
I helped out with some of the organizational elements for this course, and am most looking forward to diving deep into this incredible content, and connecting with the course community here.


Hi! I’m Daniel from Sweden. Really looking forward to this course! :smiling_face:


Welcome Daniel!


Hi all, I’m Pam. I live in Las Vegas where I have been on a full-time at-home retreat since early 2020 that came about completely by accident and largely against my will. My only intent was to meditate, to heal, to find my way out of suffering so I could help others find their way. Once I sat down to meditate for the first time, something jarred loose in me, catapulted me on a spiritual journey I wasn’t seeking and didn’t particularly want. Ram Dass is the latest of many spiritual teachers I’ve found on this path, but he’s been one of the most impactful. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m home, except for one fear I can’t seem to let go of: the fear of stepping into the light of who I was born to be. This introduction is the first step to resolving this fear, stepping into my light in a safe environment. Thanks to all the other participants as well. A community of like-minded people has been my only craving for several years, and I feel blessed to be here with all of you.


Hi, I’m Wes from Denver, and it’s wonderful to connect with this community of awakening! Several things drew me to this course, but the main reasons are I can never get enough of Alan Watts and Ram Dass, even when reading or hearing the same material more than once (there is always a fresh nugget of wisdom, every time), and the impressive lineup of presenters on Zoom each week. What a great opportunity to connect with them and all of the participants in real time! My intention for the next four weeks - and for always - is to absorb, connect and inter-be as much as possible, while quieting the mind and opening the heart.


Hello everyone, I’m so glad to be here with each of you. I look forward to learning more about everyone.

Bare with the length of this one-
First found Ram Dass about a year ago through coming across the quote “I can do nothing for you but work on myself" on a website. After this, I started reading more Ram Dass. Fascinated but totally out of my element as someone who was somewhat neurotic in nature, I decided to travel back to Boulder to learn more. Upon walking in the door of Naropa University, I quite literally ran into a staff member holding a box. It was the day after Juneteenth; Unbeknownst to me there was this huge Psychadelic convention in Denver that very week. The box was filled with flyers and lanyards advertising the collaboration between Ram Dass and Naropa. The staff member, gave them to me after I happened to tell him about my favorite RD quote. It was kind of bizarre in the best way. After that I devoted much of my time to learning everything that I could about this new way of life. Fast forward to today, and well, so many ineffable experiences have led me here. I don’t know why, but I do know that it’s for a reason. Now I can meditate so deeply that most times I fall asleep without trying. Literally in the midst of social chaos and corruption, I found peace through Ram Dass, Stanislav Grof, Allan Watts, God, and psychedelic therapy/community.
Now I feel compelled to help others to find this avenue first.

My intentions are to get a deeper sense of the teachings of Ram Dass, Allan Watts, and whatever gems come out of discussion with the rest of the participants. And to get a sharper understanding of my Dharma, or purpose.

Gratitude is an understatement for this community. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Personally, I believe Ram Dass and Maharajji are actively involved in the energies of our planet during these difficult times, perhaps nudging people along. I believe we have many helpers propelling us.


Glad to be here for needed reminders about mindfulness, balance and equanimity. I hope!


Pam, I think you’re right. I feel the embrace, and it’s encouraging to hear that others feel it too. The earth needs this desperatly.


Hello everyone!
I am excited for the journey … I have been a follower of Ram Das for about 4 years… I found him through my guru, Neem Karoli Baba… I have read and listened to Alan Watts for many years. The satsang always keeps me grounded and brings me back to center and to my heart. So glad to be here with you all.


Om :pray: :om: I’m Mark or Siva from Nassau, Bahamas. I discovered Alan Watts 30 years ago as a teenager in England and developed a deep interest in the Tao, Zen, Buddhism, eastern philosophy/religion, existentialism and the nature of a reality. I then strayed from the spiritual path for a long time and didn’t discover Ram Dass until last year after life events led me to discovering meditation and yoga beyond asanas through our local Sivananda ashram here in Paradise Island, Bahamas. I now meditate twice daily and join online kirtan and satsangs regularly. As both Alan Watts & Ram Dass have been such great influences in my life, joining this course was a must for me. I hope to learn more about them from new perspectives, more about others and, hopefully, myself through this course.


Hi I’m Zak, I am based in Israel, I currently work for an airline and travel internationally. I am navigating a life transformation catalyzed by the birth of our daughter 8 months ago and aim to balance my professional aspirations as a pilot in training with my creative thirst as an artist and spiritual seeker.
I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this intentional community of people drawn to diving deep into the great mystery of our existence beyond the ego and mind.
It is my intention to further integrate the eloquent approach alluded to by Ram Dass and Alan Watts in my personal, professional and creative life, and look forward to learning and sharing perspectives on the path home with you all!


Hello there, I’m Marco from Germany. I will try to make it for at least a couple of meetups. Its pretty late for me. Definitely will watch later. I discovered Alan Watts in 2009 and studied him for a couple of years. Also bought a CD pack from Mark back in the day. Ram Dass I only discovered recently through this course. Also looking forward to study him more. Here is some of my music I made with Alan back in 2011. Will do more if I get the time. Enjoy and talk soon.
In Lak’ech




Hi! I’m Lori from Pennsylvania. I discovered Ram Dass 2 years ago after dabbling in psychedelics and going down a Timothy Leary rabbit hole. As a mental health therapist I felt connected to Ram Dass’s training in psychology but quickly realized what I really needed was to open my heart. That is what Ram Dass has taught and continues to teach me. To stop intellectualizing and lead with love! So excited to join all of you and continue to learn and grow. <3


Hi everyone, :wave:t4:
I’am intrigued to learn more about some of the similarities of Alan Watts and Ram Dass’ teachings.


Welllllll, it has been an interesting journey in awakening and I am still at it. I struggled with the local narrow thinking in local Baptist and Church of Christ. My parents fortunately did not belong and had their own open minds…and karma. My journey began with Miguel Ruiz, Eckarht Tolle, Trungpa Rinpoche, Pem Chodron, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Shalzburg and now I am moving into devotion of the heart (mine was shut down for so many years), Hinduism and Ram Dass. What I love about Ram Dass is that he too explored the many different paths to the top of the mountain as I have. An open mind and an open heart. So many gifts of karma to get me here, but really, it took me most of my life to get to THAT conclusion. Apparently I am still gifted by karma while I work on my dharma…my little joke. I am one to come up with short mantras to help remind me who I am. Lately it has been, BE LOVE NOW. As we all know love and kindness starts with self as you reach out to other loving consciousness as well. So BE LOVE NOW reminds me of all paths, God, self and everything/everyone around me. It is hard to find fellow travelers on the paths up the mountain in my home state where unenlightened thinking and behavior belongs to a large majority of my fellow citizens. This opportunity online is great for me, though my work schedule makes it hard to make it in person. Love ya’ll!!! (Just a hint of where might I be located:))


Hi everyone, I’m really looking forward to this 4 week course with you all! I’m Kelly, and I’m from Nova Scotia, Canada. I have the cutest dog named Dharma, inspired from Ram Dass LOL. I started listening to Ram Dass heavily 5 years ago. I admit, I didn’t understand much of what he was saying back then but he touched my heart and I knew I had to find out more about him, Maharaji, everything. I have listened to the podcast “Be Here Now” in its entirely about 3-4 times lol, some episodes 10 or more. It sinks in differently each time. Ram Dass has helped me grow spiritually and in myself in so many ways. I cannot express my gratitude for his wisdom, humour and “rent a mouth” LOL as he often referred to himself as. I often hear his voice in my head when I’m struggling.

I also listen to the Alan Watts podcast but don’t know as much about him as I do Ram Dass. Excited to discover more from his son and others. I do know he has inspired many!

I don’t have anyone locally to connect with and I feel a bit isolated in this. Therefore, I thought online community may be my best option.


Hi, my name is Kyler, and I am a 20 year old from Cleveland, Ohio. I left the Army after I had a “spiritual awakening” after hearing something that Alan said that was just on replay in my head. It was like an ultimate epiphany was made where I realized I had lived my whole life for other people, and my mind in unable to perceive reality the same. Now I want to dedicate my life to spiritual practice but face constant uncertainties daily about what my next steps should be. I hope that throughout this course some clarity can be made.