Let's get to know each other ~ Introductions!

hi all. I’m Greg, currently living in Palm Springs, California. It’s probably a cliché but I seemingly feel down a Ram Dass rabbit hole about a year ago. When I first heard him it was like I was hearing someone speak truthfully for the first time ever, and about truly substantive and important topics in life. Intrigued to see what this experience will open.


Hello my name is Narji. I’m located in the Buffalo, NY area. I’ve been listening to Alan Watts & Ram Dass for sometime. I was drawn to this course immediately when I learned about it due to the fact I love their insight to life. My intention is simply to dive deeper into their teachings while witnessing whatever unfolds within me.


And hello there my fellow travelers! It’s so nice to be stumbling toward enlightenment along with the rest of you. My name is Ron, and I’m from Virginia Beach, VA. I’ve been one of those seeker types since late high school and was lucky enough to discover that, if you are still and steady if only briefly, then it will find you. I’m looking forward to connecting with you in whatever surprising way that occurs. My Ram Dass connection goes back to college, a big gap of time passed, but I always remembered his affection and levity. I’ve done a deep dive revisiting of all the Ram Dass talks on the Be Here Now network over the past several years. Alan Watts has been a more recent portal as I had only previously read some of his insights, but listening to him speak is another thing entirely. For many years I had a sense that this was going to be the year of a bigger shift, so perhaps this is where it all begins. I may not know where I’m going but I’m certain it will be clear when I arrive. I’ve read what each of you have shared about yourselves and am so thankful that you are and have gotten this far. I am with you - all of you!


Hi Everyone! My name is Marty. I’m in Pismo Beach, California. I discovered Alan Watts in ~2014 and his teachings have had a significant and profound impact on my life. I’m excited to explore, learn, and grow with this community - cheers!


Aloha! Daniel from Hilo, HI! Ram Dass & Alan Watts have been two giants of spiritual leadership for me over the years and I am very excited for this course! My intention is to learn more and advance on the path to God. Trying to play the part, not write the script :wink:


Well, I was excited for the course. I’ve always loved “The Book” by Alan Watts and the documentary on Ram Dass “Becoming Nobody” blew me away.

I was excited for the first dharma talk. I made sure I got home from work on time.

Too bad the Zoom seminar “has reached it’s maximum number of participants”


They fixed the problem, yay! (I missed the first half hour, though.) I guess this is an exercise in “letting things be as they are”


I am Anton from Northern Colorado, living about 40km from Rocky Mountain National Park, where it is snowing now among the high peaks. I received a message from Neem Karoli Baba yesterday who told me that my work right now is to see the world as it is. That is my intention for this class and beyond.


Hello, my name is Johanne Dodon, I live in Gatineau, Quebec Canada… I discovered Alan Watts many years ago and felt immediately nourished by his voice and wisdom… Ram Dass I have yet to experience… So delighted to be here… the conversation and energy from the first call is much appreciated. Love the practical advice and clarifications… Looking forward to the next call!


Hello, I’m Nessa, based in Puerto Rico. I have been listening to the Be Here Now network podcasts for a few years and particularly enjoy listening to Ram Dass’ talks.

I decided to take the course because this past year has been a kick in the face. I’m tired of hustling, clinging and generally being dissatisfied with life.

I’m a stereotypical failure-to-launch millennial who was doing everything “right” and I was finally gonna “make it” this year. The universe had other plans. My industry collapsed, I had a medical issue that has eaten up my savings and the progress of the last few years disappeared in a matter of months!

I don’t know what’s next, so I’m putting my hands in the air. Let go and let God as they say. I’m ready to become nobody.


Namaste :heart: I am becoming something new in stride with my mother dropping her body, then my best friend died one month later, surrounded by a congregation of christians. Both died suddenly, my mother in the night, my guru brother since grade school over a few weeks of kidney failure. In contrast to my mom, Josh died slowly. Now around him are these flies on the wall, each one meaning well, silent and looking solemnly at their feet and being perfectly useless against the wall. Like gravity repels them from him. I held him and got in close. I became his mother and he my father, something happened there, between us in his dying and my living I died and was born and he asked me to get him close and pray to God to accept him into paradise. I found Ram Dass through Alan Watts being on my algorithm, during a deep state of unannounced Samadhi. I heard my own voice coming from the TV. Ram Dass’ guru, Neem Karoli Baba at that point appeared through him, revealing the eastern teaching of Ram and the Ramayana, as well as an awakened appreciation for the Gita and Vedanta I never thought possible. Now everyone I love thinks me a heretical radical or mentally unstable. I will keep doing what I do as an offering with intent, rather than reactive desire or rational positioning. There truly IS NOWHERE To STAND, Modally or intelectually. Ram Dass once told us that this is not a belief system but the actual way it is. I think God will keep happening despite my input but I’m truly a wayward Bhakti who has discovered on his own through this beautiful availability of eastern teaching through be here now and LSR network and foundation, respectively. Now I only hope for deeper community and celebration, as being alone in your framework of tradition leaves karma yogis, up and coming or not, very dry in this plane. I only hope to have Satsang with the living spirit sprouting all over the world, and meet my heroes who were close enough to living god to touch his feet and now carry his tradition to the new generation. Namaste :heart::pray::thinking:


I’m thrilled to be a part of this course and of this community. Alan Watts’ books were a staple in my house growing up and Ram Dass’ “Be Here Now” joined my collection from a used book store in Big Sur sometime in the early 70’s, I think. I’ve been devouring his books ever since. To bring the two together is a joy and a privilege. I just wish my Dad could be here (or maybe he is). He would have loved it too. We had many many conversations over the years (usually at the horse races) and I’ve missed him dearly. We both became Pacifists and then Buddhists around the same time. What I loved most about him was his constant laugh and the ability to not take life too seriously. We often talked about the absurdities of life and how to live in love and kindness, not engaging in hate and violence. It’s always amazed me that the one thing that all of these spiritual masters have in common is laughter. It’s what keeps us relatively sane and able to survive the chaos and polarities of our time. I’m so happy to be here with you all and I look forward to spending much time together.


Hi, I’m Vera from the Netherlands and I’m 18 years old. I discovered Ram Dass and Alan Watts this year on Instagram and then on YouTube and I found all of their content and their perspectives on life very interesting. When I saw this course I immediately knew that I would love to join. Because I live in the Netherlands the Dharma talks are at 02.00 am for me which is why I couldn’t be there live for the first talk but I’m going to try and make It next week and I’ll definitely watch the replays.


Hi everyone
I’m Michel from Sweden. I’m a musician and a filmmaker who discovered Alan Watts when starting on a bigger film project, yet to be finished, 10 years ago.
Since then I relocated to the south of Sweden building a studio and a woodworkshop in an attempt to get away from the distractions of the city and to be able to get closer to the deeper aspects of living today. A recent separation brought on a life crisis and an opening of my vulnerability and in this process I’ve had great help and support from Alan, Ram Dass and Pema Chödrön. As all crisis it has also and already had tremendous positive impact on my life. This course came in the exact right time for me and I’m looking forward to connect to others.
I see this as a great opportunity to expand and to ground my understanding of the life experience that I’m having. I also see this course as catalyst to finally complete my film project.
Really looking forward to meet people here.
Love and respect


Hello, I’m Simon from Melbourne, Australia. I have been listening to Ram Dass and Alan Watts for about six months. Like many of you I simply cannot get enough. I’m doing the course so I can properly absorb their wisdom in an organised way. I’m a Life Coach and I do believe they will guide me to be the best coach I can be. Much love X


Hi everybody :wave:t2: I’m Chelsea and I live in Germany. Happy to see a good number of people in Europe in the group as well. The live calls are a little late for me so I’m looking forward to catching up today in the replay. I will do my best to attend a couple of live sessions throughout the course.

Really excited about this as the teachings of both Alan and Ram Dass have brought me great comfort over the years. Some years ago I had a deeply profound experience listening to an Alan Watt’s lecture on death and another on zen. The only way I can describe the experiences is there was a sudden flash of insight, not just a flash but an opening where I felt and experienced the oneness/nothingness of my being and all of existence. It felt like both a death and rebirth. And since then I’ve enjoyed his lectures and listen weekly.

After devouring everything I could by Alan Watts I was connected with the teachings of Ram Dass. I’ve come back to his book Grist for the Mill again and again and I rotate his lectures with Alan’s on the regular.

Very happy to be here with you all and am excited to connect. :lotus:


Hello, everyone. I’m Greg, joining from Decatur, GA (looking for a spiritual community here so hit me up!). I was unable to join our first Dharma Talk last night but have jumped into the pool and look forward to swimming with you all. Ram Dass and Alan Watts are personal heroes to me, their work has been hugely influential. I’ve read them both extensively and listened to numerous recordings when I needed them most. I’ve integrated their ideas, as well as a few stories, into my work as a coach and couldn’t be more thrilled for these next few weeks. See you soon.


Hello all! My name is Molly and I currently live in the Seattle, Washington area!

I started diving into the world of awakening in the last year or so and it’s been quite the experience, to say the least. From a young age, I have sought out the truth of life in its purest sense and at times it felt so close I could taste it and other times felt so far away, unattainable and undeserving. I’m struggling with this dance as day to day life brings its challenges and I cling so strongly to my sense of self and all of my deeply held beliefs about myself and the world.

It will likely be much more difficult to continue this awakening journey “successfully” without the ability to have open conversations about it, which is one of the reasons I joined this group.

I believe sharing our deeply held misconceptions about ourselves and the world gives us the opportunity to be vulnerable and be open about our humanness and how we can rise above this perceived limitation together and grow into a place of pure oneness and loving awareness.

I am hopeful and looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds. Please feel free to reach out and share your stories. Let’s push through the discomfort together and see the mystical beauty unfold. :slight_smile:


Hello, I found out about this from the Be Here Now Podcast. I saw the ad at the bottom of the page. My intention is just to have an open heart and open mind. I have a lot to learn and explore. Also, really excited to meet others in this community. :slight_smile:


Hey Wes! Great to see someone else from CO in this course - are you connected with the local satsangs?? (Fellowship • Ram Dass)

Happy to have you here now with us!