Let's get to know each other ~ Introductions!

Welcome to this course and virtual community! It’s wonderful to have you here with us, even if you have to catch the replays of the live sessions.
If throughout the duration of the course, you have any questions for the live presenters, please share them here and tag either myself, @Rachael_LSRF or @Jacquelyn_LSRF and we will do our best to share your question with the presenters.
That way you can still get the “live experience” despite the less than idea time zones alignments. :slight_smile:


Thank you for joining us for this course Michel! I hope that through the next four weeks that you come closer to that sense of understanding. I’d love to hear more about that film project when you’re ready to share!


@DrRuth , It’s a pleasure to have you here now with us for this course!
I’m looking forward to spending more time getting to know the folks in this community as well - it sounds like your Dad is here with us through your spirit! So happy to have you along for this wiggly trip!


Welcome Johanne!
It’s wonderful to have you here with us. I look forward to hearing more of your reflections on Ram Dass’s wisdom as the course goes along. He and Alan had such different, yet similar perspectives on the greater picture of this wiggly universe we inhabit. :smiley:


Welcome Greg!
I encourage you to visit Fellowship • Ram Dass and type your location into the map on the page. There may be local satsang near you!
If not, we also have a Category on here for Fellowship connections - check it out and feel free to share a post in there looking for more connections!


I am not connected with the local satsangs, but thank you for letting me know about them! I see there is a West Denver and a Boulder group. Are you active in either of those? I look forward to getting involved!!! It’s wonderful to know that I can directly connect with this group of such beautiful beings. :lotus:


There is a Boulder satsang tonight! I often try to join them, but I hear the West Denver group is just as lovely. You should connect with them!


Hi everyone :wave: I’m Joe, from NYC. I “popped” 20 years ago and have been on the journey ever since. Ram Dass has been a lifelong teacher, but I’m not hugely versed in Alan Watts, so I’m really excited to hear his teachings/perspective.

I’m curious to hear if other people have experienced ascension symptoms, and how they integrate it with the path. Lots of emotions, lots of physical manifestations. I try not to get too attached, but the struggle is real :crazy_face:

I’m also interested in any music recommendations, for popular musicians/artists who you feel capture the spirit of the path :heart: :notes:


Thanks, Mangala, my Dad is definitely in my heart and my Mom and Granny, Grandad, Aunt Fran, and Uncle Bob. I have been so fortunate to dwell in their unconditional love. It strengthens my spirit and brings me resilience. Thank you for all your efforts on what’s promising to be a monumental, but gentle and loving experience :pray:


Hi Mangala
Thank you.
I’m really looking forward to share some thoughts and material later. The sangha and the personal connections was one of the greatest motivations for me to take this course. I was in personal (email) contact with Mark Watts several years ago in relation to this, so it all feels like this is the time when pieces fall into place.


Hi Pam!
Yes!! Thank you for dipping your toe in here and shining your light! We are so excited to be on this journey with you in some small way.
Blessings and talk more soon.


HI Wes!
Right?!?! I find I can hear a lecture so many times and then hear something new out of nowhere. So glad you are here!

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HI Claire!
Wow~ I love these kind of serendipities. They are like secret whispers from the universe. So glad you shared and glad this is a step on your journey! Hope to see you more soon.


Hi Blair,
I know that I need reminders regularly! Glad you are here!

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Yay!!! It’s true. Glad you are here.

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Hi Siva. That sounds so wonderful. So glad to be bringing these two together and that you are part of this journey! See you soon!


Yeah, it’s really something else. It’s those things that remind me that it’s all going to work out.
We got this :heart:

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Hi Zak,
Yes! What a transformation. Glad you are here with us all!

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Oh my goodness! So cool! Thank you for sharing.

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Yes! Such a powerful lesson!!! Thank you for the reminder.

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