What Inspired You to Join?

We’d love to hear what drew you to Centered in the Storm: Awakening Our Inner Refuge. :herb: Was it Ram Dass’s teachings, a personal need for grounding, or simply curiosity? Share your intentions and what you’re hoping to explore during this journey!


What really set me on this path was the movie fierce grace. In that movie Krishna Das is chanting and I turned my wife and I asked who he was because I had to see him. He touched something inside me that I had never touched before. Two weeks after that event, I met Krishna Das in person and he talk to me for a few minutes and asked me what I was reading. He offered me some help with understanding what I was reading and he sent me a book that would help me . That started me on this path and it’s been 20 years


I have always loved Ram Dass teachings and adore his book Be Here Now, I have a desire to evolve into becoming loving kindness like he was at the same time keeping my spirit of humor and sharp loving perceptions :heart:


I saw the post on Instagram and immediately knew that I had to join this course as I totally adore Ram Dass teachings and his rebel spirit and Be Here Now really touched me profoundly as I am an artist and the book is an artistic spiritual masterpiece :heart:

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Actually, I just found myself here. I wasn’t sure that I had the time, and before you knew it I had clicked on a button and here I am! And I thought “ok, this is a thing now”. Apparently I need this :grin:

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I believe that things come into your awareness as offerings for learning and when it is right you accept them. This came into my space and resonated with me. I would love this opportunity to grow and learn.

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I follow Dr. Robert Svoboda for his teachings on Aghora, and found this beautiful opportunity to join a live think tank. Living in Kali Yuga is precisely what we are doing.

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Yay! So glad you are here.

He is so fabulous. We are so excited he is part of this line up of incredible wisdom keeper!

yes! Isn’t that true!

Grace and Peace and Love to you all!
In answer to the question: I was a student of Ram Dass’ teachings until a little while ago, and am just returning. I am an ex Franciscan friar and am living my best life now. And looking forward to meeting y’all! Peace.

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At first the title - and knowing it is being offered here and contain Ram Dass’ teaching and energy :slightly_smiling_face:
Also, I have started a project called IAM4SANCTUARY which contains the element of ‘centered in the storm’ but transcends the work on oneself. The goal is to become and be Sanctuary but also create Sanctuary, moving from focus within to focus outside. I am hoping to create an offer that will help people overcome their separateness as we work not only on our own system but also the bigger system that we are part of. Find it under iam4sanctuary.wordpress - if anyone is interested


I have been following Ram Dass Ji teaching for a while now and when I came across to this course, i believe this is my sign to begin my journey to pause and reflect on the things which are happening inside but I am not able to understand it…I am hoping that this course will help me to evolve in my spiritual path


Love that you are back @breck1010

HI @barbara369. It sounds like a lovely project!!! Glad you are here.

@Nidhi! glad you are here and I hope so too!

I joined because I’ve been feeling very scattered lately, but always find lessons and comfort in the teachings of Ram Dass. I hope to reinvigorate my my compassion towards myself, and to learn from the journeys of others in this community. Been meaning to get more invovled with this community and expand my sangha for a while now, so seemed like a wonderful opportunity to start that process.


I have been listening to Krishna Das’s music for the last 25 years and introduced it to my parents, sibling and friends. I recently attended his concert in Rishikesh with my family and it was pure joy. The experience was transformative and I wanted to delve deeper into this practice for my personal growth and peace.


Well after thinking about it for a minute, Buddha, which was revealed to me through Ram Dass almost 4 years ago. I read about him describing The Four Noble Truths, about suffering, which was happening to me in a very challenging way at the time. So I ordered all the books on Buddhism that I heard Ram Dass mention throughout his writings, and it was really like stumbling into very familiar and peaceful territory. Fast forward to now, thinking deeper about The Three Jewels - The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, the Sangha is something I have been thinking much about recently. What and who is my Sangha? (which does include laypeople according to some definitions). Then I get an email to join THIS COMMUNITY, so here I am! Didn’t even think twice. “Wow look at that!” - R.D.


In loving memories of Ram Das​:pray::heart:

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